Monday, May 14, 2012

Will wonders never cease

Another year another blog. I have to say that I find the majority of bloggers in the bloggersphere very tiring. Few people stick to a theme and just write drivel that is important to themselves and no one else. My sister blogs for the spiritual betterment of the general population and spends lots of time researching uplifting meaningful topics that have the potential to change the world...if any one would just listen. I am surrounded by writers that have so many important messages and insights that my insignificant meanderings pale by comparison. My own wife, a writer extraordinaire, who is filled with stories that would take several novels to express will end up editing this minor, insignificant piece of work because she has no time to to write, life gets in the way.
I appreciate the commitment that many professional writers exibit and blogging is one outlet and I wonder if maybe the cavefish is just a bit out of his element. Blogging is very popular and everyone and their uncle are producing pages and pages of drivel that few people will read...but damn it, I just reread some of my stuff and I like it and it's free for me so if you find something relevant then fantastic, if you find it boring...move on, many more interesting blogs on the bloggosphere.
By the way, if you wanted me to stick to my theme...Opening weekend 2012, smoother than last year, beat my record and opened in like two hours and narry a leaky pipe. Now the next challenge, how to get the kids to want to come with us when they have invites to sleep overs and birthday parties and soccer games and their own little lives that don't include NOS...Already I am losing that battle...Weekends missed NOS...3! and the season has not officially started.
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